P.O. Box 531
Port Colborne, Ontario
L3K 5X7

"Every day we spend without learning something is a day lost" - Beethoven


Please read all the Rules and Regulations (general and specific) very carefully as there are changes made often.

In the Little Stars Preparatory Classes, please use pieces suggested in the syllabus.  If you wish to use another course of study, please be advised that whole notes, half notes, quarter notes and eighth notes may be used.  No sixteenth notes are allowed.

For students following the RCM curriculum and entering the OPEN GRADED CLASSES, P129 & P130 refer to Grades 1 & 2 Inventions.

All classes previously referred to as ARCT & OVER have been changed to ASSOCIATE & OVER in order to open them up to all courses of study.

There has been some confusion regarding the awards given at the Festival. There are gold, silver and bronze medals awarded. A mark of at least 80 must be obtained in order to receive a gold medal. If all the candidates receive a mark of 80 or higher, the highest mark obtained will receive the gold medal, the second highest mark, the silver and the third highest mark, the bronze. This rule applies in all disciplines.

The due date for ALL ENTRIES/FEES is JANUARY 31st. A LATE FEE OF $25.00 WILL BE CHARGED FOR ENTRIES/FEES RECEIVED UP TO ONE (1) WEEK PAST THE DEADLINE. NO entries/fees will be accepted after this date.

You may register and pay online using e-Transfer or PayPal. Submit e-Transfer payment to . It is your responsibility to enter the correct class and submit the proper entry fee.  Overpayments will be considered a donation.

Friends of the Festival - If you would like to make a donation to the Festival, you will be considered a Friend of the Festival.  Receipts will be issued for donations of $25 or more.

There will be a $2.00/day admission charge at the door during the days of the Festival. You will receive a stamp which will allow you to come & go throughout the day. All participants, accompanists, volunteer staff and children 5 yrs. of age & under are EXEMPT. There will be no charge during the school choir/band days, Choral Evening or Festival Showcase however; donations at the door are gratefully accepted.

When filling out the entry form, please fill in all the information.  If filling out an offline form, please PRINT clearly using BLOCK LETTERS. It is very important to submit the name of the piece you will be performing. This information will be noted on the certificate. Entries will not be processed if the forms are incomplete.

Results will be posted daily on the website.

Check out our updated website and Facebook page for further information.

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